Don't forget about your hands! They are always exposed to the environment and are abused by our actions. They are one of the first places aging is seen, along with the neck and decolletage (chest).
In the wintertime hand cream is a must, and so are gloves. Gloves are not just meant for warmth, but also for protection from the elements. You may not get cold hands when the temperature starts to drop, but your hands are still feeling the effects of the environment. Dry winter air has lower levels of humidity and sucks the moisture right out of your skin. This is why it is so important to protect your hands.
If you work in an office and handle a lot of paper, that paper is also going to absorb oils and moisture from your hands, as you can probably already tell. Couple that with winter weather and you have an aging disaster LITERALLY ON YOUR HANDS! So here is The Rule: When the temperature drops below 50* it's time to start wearing gloves. These can be a lightweight glove such as a light leather or a cotton glove.
When the temperature drops below 40* it's time to bring out the warm woolies! Heavier duty gloves are now required. These can be fleece lined or heavier woolen gloves.
A good emollient hand cream is important before slipping into your gloves.
But in order for your hands to fully absorb the benefits of the hand cream, you need to give them a quick scrub... Super simple home hand scrub: Ingredients: Jojoba or flax oil and baking soda. Add a little of each to the palm of one hand. Just enough to make a paste. Now massage all over your hands. Scrub your palms, the backs of your hands, your knuckles, and even your cuticles. Rinse with warm water and pat dry. Now slather on your hand cream. If you want to be "natural" try using a few drops of flax oil, jojoba oil, or shea butter as your hand cream. But it's most important to wear your gloves. It's the perfect way to indulge your inner glove fetishist and keep your hands looking young. Remember - Genetics are only 10% of your aging, the other 90% comes from your environmental exposure.

Cassandra Lanning, LME, FNTP, CPE, CLT
Cassandra is a Master Esthetician and Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner in the state of Washington. She has 27 years of experience in the beauty industry including electrolysis, laser hair removal, skincare, nutrition, and teaching. She is a member of the International Association for Applied Corneotherapy, the Association for Holistic Skin Care Practitioners, the National Aesthetic Spa Network, and the Nutritional Therapy Association.